Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fall Aerification

I was a bit apprehensive Saturday starting aerification after looking at the weather forecasts and seeing mid 90's for Monday - Wednesday. I thought this could be disastrous but with little to no room on the
schedule to make it up we decided to push forward.
The crew agreed to come in early with morning temps looking favorable to get started. As the guys began to arrive at 4:30am we were excited to get moving. By 5:00 the first tee was punched and clean up began.

There was a ton of work ahead with deep tining approaches as well as punching greens but the men kept after it. By 10:00 all of the tees were punched followed by the clean up crew.

As the heat soared Josh and I were racing around the course throwing on heads to keep the grass cooled off.

After a short break for lunch, the guys were surprised to find that Tom Currie, one of my sales reps offered to buy pizzas! This was just the ticket to keep them motivated. They worked feverishly and by 5:00pm they had cleaned up the tees through 15. The greens were also completed and the approaches punched through 14.
Tuesday morning the rest of the tees were cleaned up and we began to fertilize. After each tee was completed we threw down a healthy dose of irrigation to wash in the fert and give them a much needed drink.
My assistant Dave, meanwhile, was fertilizing the greens and watering behind.

On Wednesday Mike Zellner and his crew from Dryject arrived and began the sand injection process. Everything went smoothly and they completed the greens just before a pop up shower arrived. Once the sand dried again went took our brush over the greens and rolled behind.
A perfectly timed rain came late Thursday night and gave the course a much needed break.

A bit stressful, but a fabulous effort from the crew to complete everything by Thursday morning before the golfers were back.

Saturday Morning
Monday Morning and already healing

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