Friday, September 14, 2012


 I know Old Milwaukee coined the phrase "It doesn't get any better than this" but I have to disagree. This is one of my favorite perks of the job.

Deeper, Deeper

 Twice a year, as a golf course superintendent, I get to close the course and have at it with the greens. The days are ever long and tiring but the benefits always outweigh the negatives. Keeping the plants healthy throughout the long season regardless of those filled tee sheets, the daily cut and rolls, remain my number one priority. The deeper and more dense the roots can be, the greater chance for not only survival, but better playing conditions through the tough summer months. This creates a tremendous surface area for the plant to absorb oxygen, water and vital nutrients.
Roots diving deep 1 month after aerification.
18 healed up and ready to go!