Thursday, July 2, 2015


What a difference a month will make. After grinding it out through May with only .15" of rain and pond levels at record lows our wish was granted. We received just over 14" inches of rain in June. It seemed like it was never going to stop. The last weekend in June the course was inundated with 6.5" of rain in less than 48 hours.
This will definitely reduce our stress levels momentarily, but soaking wet turf can have detrimental effects. Roots do not have to dive deep in search of water and can begin to shrink. This can become a problem if the temps decide to soar. Wet wilt can damage turf as the shortened roots can't take up enough water to cool off the plant, especially plants mowed at greens height. The minimal leaf surface on greens reduces transpiration rates and the plant will over heat. The saturated soil complicates matters as it doesn't contain adequate amounts of oxygen.
A great tool we have at our disposal are venting tines. These tines are solid and can penetrate deep into the root-zone, introducing that vital oxygen into the soil as well as helping it to dry out.

This Monday and Tuesday will will punch greens to open small channels into the root-zone. After a few rolls behind the aerifier the greens surface will be putting smoothly again.